Burks catalog # 3GV6-1-1/4FC, Condensate Pump and Motor and Motor unit. Cast Iron Construction, with a Bronze, 3.22 inch diameter Impeller and Buna/N/Carbon/Ceramic/Stainless Steel Mechanical Seal. Pump is close coupled to a 1/3 Horsepower, 3500 RPM, 115/230 Volts, Single Phase, ODP Open Drip Proof Motor.
Price : $ 2325.00
The Burks 3GV6-1-1/4FC is a Cast Iron Condensate Pump and Motor with a Bronze 3. 22 inch diameter Impeller, Buna-N/Carbon/Ceramic/Stainless Steel Mechanical Seal, Square Flanged Inlet x 1-1/4 Inch Outlet Ports, close coupled to a 1/3 Horsepower, 3500 RPM, 115/230 Volts, 1 Phase, ODP Open Drip Proof, 60Hz Motor. This Centrifugal pump is designed for OEM applications requiring a pump with inlet flange for mounting to tank or other vessel. The flanged and gasketed inlet will adapt to any flat mounting surface, and the pump may be installed vertically or horizontally. This pump may be used as replacement pump on Burks Series GV Condensate Return Pump and Tank Systems. This pump unit is well suited for HVAC condesate return, cooling and boiler feed applications because of it's low NPSH. It is silent, and efficient, so it is ideal for convenient equipment location in offices, laboratories, public areas, and living quarters. Long trouble-free service life has made these centrifugal pumps acceptable for industrial uses or wherever clean or contaminated liquids compatible with Cast Iron and Bronze is to be transferred or handled. These close-coupled centrifugal pumps from Burks provide economical performance for 20 to 80 GPM applications requiring heads to 135 feet. For exact performance of this pump please consult the performance curve for the horsepower and impeller diameter speicified for this model. By combining the latest concepts in pump design with precision manufacturing, the GV6 Series pumps deliver excellent efficiency and low NPSH requirements. Efficient manufacturing processes and highly optimized mechanical designs control costs. Maintenance costs are kept to a minimum by combining a highly serviceable design with quality components to provide a long service life. This Burks centrifugal pump has a single rotating enclosed bronze impeller of the latest hydraulic design for maximum efficiency. The pump impeller is balanced for vibration-free operation and threaded onto a stainless steel motor shaft. The Cast Iron pump casing/volute has a replaceable casing wear ring that prevents wear on casing and is easy to replace. The operating temperature limits of this pump depend on the seal elastomer and the operating temperature limit for the pump with the Buna-N seal is 225 degrees F (107 degrees C). The pump shaft seal is a mechanical seal with ceramic seat and carbon seal face for maximum durability, and long trouble-free service. This centrifugal pump should never be started or run dry. Operating a pump dry will cause scoring of the mechanical seal, resulting in premature seal failure. To prevent the pump from being run dry, it should be primed before starting. The motor on this pump has open drip proof construction and is rated with jet pump service factors for continuous duty operation and has built-in overload protection. Motors are 56 frame size with NEMA standard mounting flange, one piece threaded stainless steel shaft and ball/ball bearing construction. The wetted material in contact with the liquid are Cast Iron, Bronze, 303 Stainless Steel, and Buna-N. The dimensions of this pump are 17 inches high, and 9-1/2 inches wide.
WEIGHT : This pump weighs 43 Lbs.
Standard self-adjusting Buna-N shaft seal for temperatures to 225 degrees F (107 degrees C) and pressures to 150 psi (1034 kpa).
Enclosed 3.22 inch bronze impeller of the latest hydraulic design for maximum efficiency, impeller is balanced for vibration-free operation and threaded onto stainless steel motor shaft.
Case wearing ring prevents wear on casing and easily/inexpensively replaced.
Discharge can be located in any of four positions.
Casing is close grain iron of 30,000 psi minimum tensile strength.
Easy to Service - taking out only 4 cap screws allows removal of pumping assembly without disturbing piping.
Backpull-out design eliminates the need to disturb piping should the pump ever require service - the casing stays in the line.
After careful assembly and inspection, every pump is factory tested and meets Hydraulic Institute standards.
Liquid handling requirements are much more involved than they were five years ago. The variety of liquids being handled has increased along with temperatures and pressures. Todays installations demand quiet, smoothrunning pumps with long life. High efficiencies, robust case construction of cast iron, and impeller construction of bronze makes these pumps an ideal selection for applications that require easytomaintain, reliable, long lasting pumps. Typical applications for the 3GV611/4FC include Hot Water Circulating Pumps, Cooling Tower Makeup, Boiler Feed Service, Transfer Service, TV and Radar Tube Cooling; condenser, chilled, and hot water systems in HVAC; process secondary pumping, and municipal drinking water. This pump is also the best solution for General Water Service, Chilled and Hot Water Systems, HVAC Industrial Processes, Municipal Drinking Water, Sprinkler and Irrigation Systems. NOTE Thick or viscous liquids are not recommended for centrifugal pumps. Because centrifugal pumps are more efficient at higher shaft speeds, pumping of viscous or thick liquids is difficult. It is possible to lose as much as 40 percent pump performance when attempting to pump liquids of viscosity equal to S. A. E. 30 oil at room temperature. S. A. E. 30 oil at room temperature has a viscosity of 2000 Saybolt Seconds Universal.