Gorman Rupp # 11908-009 Centrifugal Pump 1/3 HP

Gorman Rupp Pump 11908-009

Gorman Rupp # 11908-009

Gorman Rupp catalog # 11908-009, Series 3900 Centrifugal Pump and Motor unit, Phenolic Plastic construction, Phenolic Plastic impeller. Motor is 1/3 Horsepower, 115/208/230 Volts, Single Phase.

Price : $ 1240.13

Qty :

Same Day (1 in stock)


Product Information :

The Gorman Rupp Industries (GRI) model # 11908-009 is a Phenolic Plastic Centrifugal Pump with a Phenolic Plastic Impeller, close coupled to a 1/3 Horsepower, 115/208/230 Volts, Single Phase Motor. This pump has a performance range up to 60 gpm and a maximum head up to 34 feet. These GRI Centrifugal pumps are designed to transfer both corrosive and non-corrosive fluids at maximum hydraulic efficiencies. GRI Centrifugal pumps are not self-priming and must be used in applications where a flooded suction exists. These pumps can not be run dry. These pumps are corrosion resistant, hydraulically efficient with quiet operation, and have flexible mounting and body discharge positions. Motors have low current draw and heat rise, and are continuous duty rated, and thermally protected. To allow for optimum life the Maximum Fluid Temperature for pumps with mechanical seals is up to 220 degrees F (104 degrees C).

Features :

Pump Body:
Phenolic Plastic
Phenolic Plastic
Shaft Seal:
EPDM/Carbon/Ceramic/Stainless Steel Mechanical Seal
Motor Specs :
1/3 Horsepower, 115/208/230 Volts, Single Phase.


The GRI 11908009 can be used in the production of laundry appliances, industrial floor scrubbers, agricultural sprayers, ice makers, dishwashers, glassware washers, commercial coffee urns, as well as can be utilized in plating systems, residential heating and cooling systems, and commercial cooling and heating systems.