Groco catalog # AARG-500, AARG Series All Bronze 1/2 Inch Raw Water Strainer with Monel Basket, Bronze Enclosure, Bronze construction. Inlet Port is 1/2 Inch, Discharge Port is 1/2 Inch.
Price : $ 647.06
The Groco AARG-500 is an AARG Series All Bronze 1/2 Inch Raw Water Strainer with Monel Basket, Bronze Enclosure, and 1/2 Inch by 1/2 Inch Ports. The MODELMODEL raw water strainer is the ideal filtration solution for cooling water intakes for any marine engine, air conditioning unit, or genset. It is designed with a cast C84400 bronze cap, bronze head casting, and bronze enclosure (in place of the molded sight glass) to eliminate plastics in critical plumbing systems. and is UL Listed 255-D. This strainer is to be installed on the suction side of engines and pumps. The superior design makes them long lasting and easy to service while the variety of sizes means there is a fit for every application. The mounting system allows for removal without tools. It has a bonding connection on both sides, npt threaded ports, improved drain plug, an improved basket and handle, and o-rings seal all joining surfaces. Install AARG series strainers vertically oriented above the outside waterline if possible.
WEIGHT : The Groco AARG-500 weighs 6.7 Lbs.
Inspect and clean the filter basket frequently. a seasonal application of waterproof grease that is silicon or teflon based do not use Petroleum based grease to the cap threads and oring will assure easy cap loosening for inspections and cleaning. Use only mild soapy water to clean the sight glass. Handtight is sufficient for a safe and leakproof seal following cap removal and replacement, but if you wish to snug the cap use Groco's W2531 spanner Wrench.