Groco catalog # AVD-2000, VD Series Duplex Vertical 2 inch Raw Water Strainer with Monel Basket, Stainless Steel Enclosure, Bronze construction. Inlet Port is 2 Inch, Discharge Port is 2 Inch.
Price : $ 4562.43
The Groco AVD-2000 is a Bronze VD Series Duplex Vertical 2 inch Raw Water Strainer with Monel Basket, Stainless Steel Enclosure, and 2 Inch by 2 Inch Ports. The MODELMODEL Duplex raw water strainer is the ideal filtration solution for cooling water intakes for any marine engine, air conditioning unit, or genset. Plumbing systems that require constant filtration but cannot be shut down for filter cleaning are the ideal candidates for this Duplex Strainer. Cast bronze enclosures replace the sight glasses, and a centrally located valve diverts system flow to one side of the strainer while the other side is serviced. The position of the valve handle indicates which filter is in use, and the other side may be disassembled for cleaning. Make sure that the valve handle is actuated to a full stop position when selecting a new filter in-use position. This strainer is to be installed on the suction side of engines and pumps. The superior design makes them long lasting and easy to service while the variety of sizes means there is a fit for every application. This strainer has inlet and outlet ports threaded for NPT pipe connections.
WEIGHT : The Groco AVD-2000 weighs 68.5 Lbs.
Choose a location for the strainer that will allow the handle to be actuated for filter selection, and that allows at least twelve inches above the top of the assembly for filter basket removal and cleaning. Bolt the strainer to a suitably sturdy mount surface by bolting through the mount brackets located behind each side of the filter body.