Oberdorfer # 70PS10 Bronze Centrifugal pedestal Pump end

Oberdorfer Pump 70PS10

Oberdorfer # 70PS10

Oberdorfer catalog # 70PS10, Bronze Centrifugal Pedestal Pump end only, no motor, with sealed Ball bearings, Bronze construction, Bronze impeller, Viton Mechanical Seal. Inlet Port is 1-1/4 Inch NPT Inlet, Discharge Port is 1 Inch NPT Outlet.

Price : $ 1139.04

Qty :

Same Day (2 in stock)


Product Information :

The Oberdorfer 70PS10 is a Bronze Centrifugal Pedestal Pump end only, no motor, with sealed Ball bearings with Bronze Impeller, Viton Mechanical Seal, 1-1/4 Inch NPT Inlet by 1 Inch NPT Outlet Ports, replacement pump end only without a Motor. This pedestal centrifugal pump has external independent sealed ball bearings isolated from the liquid being pumped. The ball bearings are grease sealed for life requiring no maintenance or bearing lubrication. The pump uses a mechanical type shaft seal with a Viton rubber element. It is suitable for water, severe solvents, difficult chemicals, and elevated temperatures up to 400 degrees F. This long-life centrifugal pump delivers high flows up to 90 GPM at 3500 RPM. These centrifugal pumps are not self-priming. They must be installed below the liquid level so that the liquid flows to the pump by gravity (flooded suction). However, if a foot valve is used at the beginning of the suction line, and all air is bled from the pump by manual priming, the pump will lift on the suction side up to 15 feet. Such a system relies entirely on the non-leaking foot valve for starting capability. This pump operates by liquid entering at the center and being thrown outward radially by centrifugal force. The impeller is not in contact with other pump parts resulting in quiet, efficient pumping action. The flow produced is not positive which permits the discharge line to be shut off completely without danger of overloading motors or bursting lines. Consequently, a relief valve is not required.

Features :

Pump Body:
Shaft Seal:
Viton Mechanical Seal
Port Size:
Inlet Port is 1-1/4 Inch NPT Inlet, Discharge Port is 1 Inch NPT Outlet.


There are many applications that the Oberdorfer 70PS10 are used in. The special pump alloys used in this pump provide corrosion resistance to many liquids including water, water solutions, and a wide range of commercial chemicals. This silent, efficient, centrifugal pumping is ideal for convenient equipment location in offices, laboratories, public areas, and living quarters. Long troublefree service life has made centrifugal pumps acceptable for industrial uses or wherever clean or contaminated liquid is to be transferred or handled. Viscous liquids with a maximum viscosity of 2000 Saybolt Seconds Universal can be pumped, however, when pumping viscous liquids as compared with water, a reduction in flow and pressure occurs and the required horsepower rate increases. Liquids heavier than water require additional horsepower in direct proportion to the increase in specific gravity. Liquids contaminated with small solids or abrasives can be handled, but a reduction in mechanical seal life must be expected. This pump will pump continuously, producing high flow rates under lowhead conditions. Designed for continuous lowpressure circulation and transfer of nonflammable liquids, utility, boiler feed, general transfer, filtration, cooling towers, condensate return, marine applications, fountains, boosters, water circulation, irrigation, spraying systems, jockey pump service, chemical processing, aggressive liquid applications and other generalpurpose pumping compatible with pump component materials where no suction lift or no selfpriming is required.