Oberdorfer catalog # CB9000L, Cast Iron pedestal Gear Pump end only, bare shafted pump end, Cast Iron construction, Steel Gears, Steel impeller, Steel Shaft, Packing Ring Seal. Inlet Port is 1 Inch female NPT, Discharge Port is 1 Inch female NPT.
Price : $ 501.30
The Oberdorfer CB9000L is a Cast Iron pedestal Gear Pump end only, bare shafted pump end, with Steel Gears, Packing Ring Seal, Steel shaft, 1 Inch female NPT by 1 Inch female NPT Ports, replacement pump end only without a Motor. This gear pump is a drop in replacement for models C4K and C4V, and can also be considered as a replacement for models 4KHK4 and 4KHJ7. The close tolerances of the gears in this pump require clean liquids with no abrasives, as abrasives will wear down the pump and cause poor performance. Gear pumps are positive displacement pumps and each shaft revolution displaces a definite amount of liquid relatively unaffected by the back pressure in the discharge line. The shaft speed and flow are directly proportional, as the flow increases with speed increase, and the power demand (horsepower) increases with shaft speed and discharge pressure. This pump is self-priming, and the maximum suction lift for this pump is 20 feet, however, the suction line should be as short as possible. A relief valve is necessary to protect the pump and system if the discharge line becomes blocked or closed. This pump should be mounted on a rigid base and properly aligned with the motor. Direct drive via flexible shaft coupling is the preferred method. When a belt drive is needed, additional support is necessary to absorb the added pulley load. WARNING: Do not use to pump flammable or explosive fluids such as gasoline, fuel oil, kerosene, etc. Do not use in flammable and/or explosive atmospheres. This pump is equipped with packing rings for a shaft seal. The pump has an O-ring cover seal for maximum leak protection. The bearings in this pump are designed of high performance carbon-graphite material selected for wear resistance and long service life that require no lubrication. The recommended discharge pressure limits for this pump are 100 PSI for oil and other lubricants, as the high pressure will accelerate wear. For the longest service life keep the pressure as low as possible. The maximum shaft speed is 1750 RPM. Viscous liquids require lower pump speeds and the maximum Viscosity limit is up to 100,000 SSU at reduced speed (max. input torque of 160 in.-lbs.). This pump end does not include a motor and is just the bare shafted pump end only. Complete pump and motor assemblies can be fabricated with a pump, coupling, coupling guard, motor, and baseplate.
There are many applications that the Oberdorfer CB9000L are used in. This selfpriming, positive displacement, external rotary gear pedestal pump is ideal for oil based fluids in a wide range of lightduty commercial, industrial, marine, and agricultural applications. Viscous liquids require reduced shaft speeds of 1150 RPM or lower. Liquids containing solids, abrasives, powders, or paint pigments are definitely not recommended for gear pumps. If abrasives are unavoidable, use a very low shaft speed. These gear pumps are used in Day Tank Diesel Transfer Systems, and have been one of the leading Diesel fuel transfer pumps for over 100 years. The purity of the fuel is an important feature in prolonged engine life and high performance. Fuels must provide satisfactory combustion without creating additional pollutants that can damage the engine. Bearings are Grease lubricated Cast Iron material selected for wear resistance and long service life. These features make Oberdorfer pumps your best choice to keep your engines running longer and more efficiently. This pump is also the best solution for General Water Service, Chilled and Hot Water Systems, HVAC Industrial Processes, Municipal Drinking Water, Sprinkler and Irrigation Systems. NOTE Thick or viscous liquids are not recommended for centrifugal pumps. Because centrifugal pumps are more efficient at higher shaft speeds, pumping of viscous or thick liquids is difficult. It is possible to lose as much as 40 percent pump performance when attempting to pump liquids of viscosity equal to S.A.E. 30 oil at room temperature. S.A.E. 30 oil at room temperature has a viscosity of 2000 Saybolt Seconds Universal.