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Pulsafeeder model # LE33SA-PTC1-M42 - PULSAtron Pump

The PULSAtron Series E pump features manual control by on-line adjustable stroke rate and stroke length. It has been agency approved for demanding outdoor and indoor applications.
Series E is internally dampened to reduce noise which makes it very acceptable for household installations. It is also water resistant to accommodate outdoor installations as well.
It features guided ball check valve systems to reduce back flow and enhance outstanding priming characteristics. Series E also offers few moving parts and is easily wall mountable.
Our guided check valves, with their state-of-the-art seat and ball designs, provide precise seating, and excellent priming and suction lift characteristics. Our timing circuit is highly reliable and, by design, virtually unaffected by temperature, EMI and other electrical disturbances.
Series E pumps continue to meet their specifications for pressure and capacity even during extended use. It also features safe and easy priming with durable leak-free bleed valve assembly.
• Agency Approved
• Water Resistant
• Wall Mountable
• Few Moving Parts
Pulsafeeder Pump LE33SA-PTC1-M42
Pulsafeeder model # LE33SA-PTC1-M42 - PULSAtron Pump
Model # Description Price / ea. ORDER CAN SHIP

Catalog # LE33SA-PTC1-M42, Electronic Metering Pump unit, 115 Volts AC, 1 Phase, FPP/FTF/CDBL $ 691.90 Qty. 2 Weeks
(0 in stock)

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