Pulsafeeder model # LMB4KB-VHC1-XXX - PULSAtron Pump
The PULSAtron Series MP pump offers automatic control; 4-20mA and 20-4mA current signals can be ratioed from 100% to 2% of incoming signal. The manual control feature allows for a combined 1000:1 turndown resulting in accurate metering for critical applications. Series MP features relay output for computer interface or AC power allows for external control. There is a six-button touch pad control with internationally recognized symbols for simplified programming. There are alarm signals for signal loss, full count, circuit failure, pulse overflow and pulse rate high. Liquid low level indicator capability is standard. Pulse signals can be multiplied or divided by 1 to 999 allowing for pumps to handle peak requirements. Series MP is also equipped with a 16 character dot matrix backlit multi-lingual display that allows for easy reading and user-friendly programming. Features: • Auto & Manual Control • Relay Output • Multi-lingual • Alarm Signals • Pulse Signals