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Dolphin Series
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Pulsafeeder model # UD75-XA-LLAUXXX - Dolphin Pump

MEC-O-MATIC Dolphin Series pumps are chemical solution and slurry metering pumps, designed, engineered, and built to last. The pump case is molded of a rugged, chemical resistant ABS. Mounting pads and a built-in wall mounting bracket allow a choice of flat surface or wall mounted installation.
The thermal or impedance protected gear motor is safe, quiet and dependable. All metal gearing parts are heat-treated and the output shaft is supported by heavy-duty bearings.
The feeder head is molded of UV and acid resistant polycarbonate and is designed to snap on and off without tools.
A 10-minute solid-state electric current interrupter is a standard feature, built into every MEC-O-MATIC Dolphin Series pump.

• Operating Benefits Quick-release, twist-off, clear polycarbonate, acid-resistant head.
• Self-lubricating chemical resistant roller assembly.
• Durable, long-lasting tubing with no tube adjustment. Heavy duty shaded pole gearmotor with lifetime lubrication.
• Pump case is molded chemical resistant ABS.
• Thermal or impedance protected gearmotor is safe, quiet and dependable.
• All metal gearing parts are heat-treated.
• Output shaft is supported by heavy duty bearings.

Pulsafeeder Pump UD75-XA-LLAUXXX
Pulsafeeder model # UD75-XA-LLAUXXX - Dolphin Pump
Model # Description Price / ea. ORDER CAN SHIP

Catalog # UD75-XA-LLAUXXX, MEC-O-MATIC Dolphin Series 75 Peristaltic Metering Pump unit, 120 Volts AC $ 458.85 Qty. 2 Weeks
(0 in stock)

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