AMT Pump model 1ES07C-3P Parts

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Parts List for AMT Pump model # 1ES07C-3P
Key Part # Description Price Stock Required Quantity Action
1 # 1626-308-00 Motor, 3/4 Horsepower, Volts, 3 Phase, TEFC Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled, 60/50 Hz 56J, Nema 56J Frame, replacement electric motor only (pump is not included) $513.54 2 in Stock 1
6 # 1A11-030-95 Adapter Kit. Includes : Adapter Kit, (Ref. 6), Fasteners (Ref. 7) $89.10 2 in Stock 1
8 # 1A11-020-95 Mechanical Seal, Type 6, size 5/8 Inch $81.00 2 in Stock 1
9 # 1641-161-91 EPDM/EPR Seal Assembly $59.94 2 in Stock 1
10 # 1A11-019-00 Seal Spacer $22.68 2 in Stock 1
12 # 1A15-010-95 Impeller Kit. Includes : Impeller Shim (Ref. 11), Impeller Kit (Ref. 12), Impeller Lock Nut (Ref. 14) $97.20 2 in Stock 1
16 # 2A11-001-95 Casing Kit. Includes : Casing Kit (Ref. 16), Pipe Plug (Ref. 17), Fasteners (Ref. 18), Fasteners (Ref. 19) $299.70 2 in Stock 1
KIT # 2A01-301-90 O-ring EPDM Kit. Includes : O-ring EPDM #113 (Ref. 13), O-ring EPDM #263 (Ref. 15) $19.44 2 in Stock 1

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